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This will allow us to add the zoom effect (line 7 in your IDE) We're adding a new div which will be the overlay. We'll hide this div initially and show it when the user hovers over (line 9 in your IDE) We're adding some text (line 10 in your IDE) Now if you save and run this, nothing will happen. We need to add some CSS for the magic to happen.

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Using React in Visual Studio Code. React is a popular JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building web application user interfaces. The Visual Studio Code editor supports React.js IntelliSense and code navigation out of the box. This will allow us to add the zoom effect (line 7 in your IDE) We're adding a new div which will be the overlay. We'll hide this div initially and show it when the user hovers over (line 9 in your IDE) We're adding some text (line 10 in your IDE) Now if you save and run this, nothing will happen.

18 Jun 2020 Visual Studio Code is one of the best Node.js IDEs developed by Microsoft. It is a lightweight yet powerful code editor that is available for free to 

15 React JS Project Ideas: Beginner to Expert [With Free tutorial] Posted on June 28, 2020 November 8, 2020 Author nerdjfpb React js is an amazing library to learn for frontend. As an IDE, besides code editing, Rekit Studio provides the capability for code generation, dependency diagraming, refactoring, building, unit tests, and a meaningful way to navigate code. You will no longer care about how to setup the project, config webpack, or organize your folder structure. Compile ReactJS.NET by running dev-build.bat Reference React.dll and React.Mvc4.dll (if using MVC 4) in your Web Application project Your first build always needs to be done using the build script ( dev-build.bat ) as this generates a few files required by the build (such as SharedAssemblyVersionInfo.cs ).

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